23 Jul 2019



Both in 2017 and in the first months of 2018, the HoReCa sector experienced an accelerated development in our country. Entrepreneurs have begun to look more closely at the possibilities offered by a business in this sector, especially since there is no need for major initial investments. In addition, some amounts can be recovered at least partially through non-refundable funds.


Many entrepreneurs at the beginning of the road have turned to the Start-Up Nation program, whereby the Romanian state, through the Ministry for Business, Trade and entrepreneurship, offers up to 200,000 lei for those who want to open an SME. That amount is non-refundable and represents 100% of the amount of eligible expenditure. According to statistics, approximately 40% of the projects enrolled so far in the Start-Up Nation are business in the field of HoReCa (restaurants, cafes, pretrimers, shaormerii).


How to choose the correct HoReCa equipment


A successful business starts from a good idea that is put into practice by following a coherent and feasible investment plan.


In the case of a business in the field of HoReCa, the investment in equipment and facilities is an essential element, which can contribute decidenently to the success of the project. But how to make sure you choose the most efficient machinery for a professional kitchen in a market that abound in offers?


Firstly, you need to make sure that you have researched the market well and that you have considered all possibilities, with pluses and minuses. You can orient yourself to used HoReCa equipment or new, depending on the needs of your business.


To make the right decision, you can appeal to professionals in the field who will give you an informed opinion. There are equipment suppliers on the market that can make you a list of equipment needed to open the premises, taking into account its specific needs as well as the available budget.


Advantages and disadvantages of second-hand equipment


For a start-up in the field of HoReCa (and not only), it is very important how the initial budget is invested. Because there are many other expenses to be taken into account for the opening of a local (with staff, spatial planning, food needed in the kitchen, etc.), the purchase or hiring of used HoReCa equipment can be a Saving idea for those with small or medium budgets. In general, the purchase price of second-hand professional kitchen machinery is unbeatable.


Are you new in the field? Are you trying a new business? Do you know what to choose in terms of equipment and endowments? Invest Intelligent! You can start by testing your business at the beginning of the road with second-hand acquisitions, so you diminish the risks of a major investment.


In addition, we must not neglect the impact that our choice may have on the protection of the environment, as it can be the most current issue internationally.


By opting for the use of second-hand equipment, we can help protect the environment by extending the lifespan of products, which are reused instead of becoming polluting waste. It is an important contribution to streamlining the use of our scarce resources and for preventing pollution and global warming.


On the list of disadvantages we can pass the fact that these appliances may not have warranty and are certainly less reselling value. Parts inside may have problems, and replacing (repairing them) can be difficult or very costly.


However, all problems can be avoided if, prior to purchase, the equipment is inspected by a professional. After a specialist assessment, it can be specified whether the equipment presents scratches or other peculiarities (if the gears have been lubrispecated, if there is rust or traces of detergent inside), if the parts are original and if the machine is in the condition Perfect operation.


In general, it is ideal that second-hand equipment intended for premises (restaurants, bars, cafes) is not more than 5 years old and the suppliers chosen to have a good reputation in the market. Most of the time, besides the opinion of specialists, we can also appeal to the recommendations of the acquaintances to reach the ideal solution for a business.


Many suppliers of such machines have the possibility to provide adjacent services of technological flow consultancy, commissioning of machinery, service, equipment maintenance and training of customer staff.


Another aspect to be taken into account when purchasing HoReCa equipment, whether they are new or second-hand, is the availability of the stock to the chosen supplier. Make sure you can receive the ordered items on time, because no one wants to be in a position not to have the necessary ones on the day of opening the restaurant.


Finally, in the food industry, as in any other field, you can also orient yourself after the reputation of a company's products or services. It is good to choose after we have ensured that we know all the details and are aware of the implications of the choices made.



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