For business

Doing business through Horeca Exchange is very easy

Start right now
Sell and manage all your products in one place
  • Upload and manage thousands of products directly from your HEI account
  • See who your potential customers are and what they need
  • Respond directly to queries from the HEI platform
  • Sell directly to customers! We offer you all the support

Use the Business Services of the HEI platform

Do you have anything to sell?
Do you have anything to rent?
Do you preserve Horeca services?

How can Horeca Exchange help you grow your business

  • We distribute
    you all over
    the country
  • Manage
  • You answer
    requests with
    the best
    offer of yours
  • Customers
    will find you more easily on the only HoReCa marketplace
  • Stay in
    the Market!
    See what your competition is doing!

Prestări servicii HoReCa

Your knowledge of HoReCa is a real help for those who want to discover this industry and for those who want innovation. Offer your services and help the HoReCa industry become more and more powerful. We are waiting for you on our HEI platform if you think you are a leader in ...
  • Consultancy in hotels and restaurants
  • Design interior HoReCa locations
  • Event Organizations
  • Project Management
  • Consultancy for internal menus and procedures
  • any other superpowers to increase the HoReCa industry
Add a service right now

Sell or rent

Be aware of the most diversified offer of furniture, equipment and hotel and restaurant equipment sold by 4 and 5 star hotels or closed restaurants in the first 2 years of operation

Investing in a new restaurant, hotel, hostel, bar, etc. it is recovered in many months of operation until your business is at a profit; Invest intelligently! Take advantage of the equipment in excellent condition at the best prices!

Acquisition of access to the contact information of second-hand vendors is done only once and guarantees you unlimited access for the duration of your account legal person, to all second-hand items sold.

Our platform helps you find a buyer for the furniture and equipment of your hotel / restaurant if you plan a renovation or shut down your business.

Release your warehouses for furniture you no longer use. Find a buyer for your equipment if you decide to close your business.

We reserve the right to select products posted by second-hand clients. We recommend only furnishings and equipment from 4 & 5-star hotels and other Horeca locations in the third year of operation.

Your logistics can now find its customers easier. Offers furniture, equipment and equipment Horeca for renting private events or facilities and temporary arrangements.

Our Offer

Subscriptions Subscription Boutique Subscription Chalet
Ad Limit 400 2.500
Reactivate products upon expiration In 45 days In 15 days
Profile view - company / person page, company description, location, contact details
Automated Import of Products - csv File 400 products 2.500 products
Display details of invoice, warranty, return, delivery, product status
Display the logo in detail
Unlimited bidding on the auction section
Extra / bidding facilities Extra 60 Extra 120
The subscriber has access to all the bids placed by the competition for his / her bidding request
The subscriber has access to the contact information of the bidder -
Cost per year 60€ 120€
Promotion of LOGO Company 1 MONTH 3 MONTHS 12 MONTHS
Ensure a better visibility of your company and choose a consistent exposure in Horeca's largest marketplace. 180 € 310 € 788 €
Premium ad promotion
First page promotion of HEI, display priority before standard ads and alerts sent to subscribers. 5€ / ad

Are you an expert in the HoReCa industry? Your knowledge and information is valuable! Billed them!

  • A business profile telling us something about your business, what HoReCa superpowers you have, what projects you've put in your footprint and what services you can offer
  • Unlimited access to all incoming requests through the platform
  • Present in the only HoReCa industry-specific marketplace
  • We offer you the shortest route to your potential customers

Subscription cost service profile: 150 euro / year Purchase the subscription of Services

Register for newsletter

Stay with us for the latest offers from our registered suppliers and the largest variety on second hand furniture and equipment, coming from 4&5 stars hotels and restaurants.